Wednesday, April 28, 2010

No time to update, but here's the first rollover

Happened April 12th and I got it wrong, apparently babies are supposed to roll front to back first, Lily did back to front first so I just assumed. Of course 'supposed to' is according to the 'them', so who knows!

Baby Roomba

Clearly there are spots in the house that I'm not getting to with the duster and if he can squeeze in, is it really wrong? This also says a lot about the difference in frame of mind second time around, I think if I found Lily like that I would have had a slight freak out. Now? Hells bells tape a swiffer cloth to that kids back!

4 Months

So monkey guts has made it to 4 months, not sure how as he could be eaten alive on any given day, those cheeks, the smiles, the dimples and the laughter!
Went to the doctors on Monday and he now weighs in at a whopping 16 pounds 15 ounces and measures at 27 inches. So from birth weight/height (8 pounds 14 ounces and 19.5 inches) he is liable to be the size of our house by the time he reaches a year old.
He had a hard week what with Lily being sick and no matter how many times I told her 'you have the germs, stay away from Henry and his stuff' she just couldn't help but sneeze right in his face. Plus shots, and then this afternoon the discovery that his first tooth broke through he just didn't stand a chance.
He had his first fever this week and his second cold, but even through all of that he is the most lovely and happy baby boy.

Here is a picture of him as we were getting ready to go the doctors office, isn't he handsome!: